Causes of Ear Pain
Poking ear with an outside object (hairpin, pencil, or safety pin)
Infection in the ear canal (otitis externa)
Infected hair follicle in the ear canal (furuncle)
Infection of the middle ear (acute or serous otitis media)
Ear wax build up
Sudden pressure changes at take-off and landing times during air travel
Tonsillitis, sinusitis, neuralgias, pharyngitis, or aching jaw or jaw joint or a toothache or mouth ulcers, can cause bouts of pain in the ear.
Some more serious conditions causing ear pain could be malignant otitis externa or complicated unsafe type of chronic otitis media.
Precautions & Treatments
Most ear pains can be treated successfully but the key to effective treatment lies in first making the correct diagnosis. One should schedule a visit to ENT physician without delay if suffering from ear pain.
ENT physician will give a thorough check-up to find the cause and will prescribe treatment accordingly